Makes the positions of the floating palettes and the current settings in certain menus the defaults for the next time Personal Press is opened.
Unavailable because a publication is not open.
Makes the positions of the floating palettes and the current settings in certain menus the defaults for the next time Personal Press is opened.
Opens the first of two preferences dialogs to allow for changes of various Personal Press settings, such as start-up options, unit of measurement, and so on.
Unavailable because a publication is not open.
Opens the first of two preferences dialogs to allow for changes of various Personal Press settings, such as start-up options, unit of measurement, and so on.
Brings up a dialog box that allows you to replace any of the eight spot colors via the Apple Color Picker or by loading colors from another publication. You can also reset the original colors.
Unavailable because a publication is not open.
Brings up a dialog box that allows you to replace any of the eight spot colors via the Apple Color Picker or by loading colors from another publication. You can also reset the original colors.
Allows you to find a synonym for selected words.
Unavailable because you must have the Text tool selected and either highlight a word or place the cursor in the word or a publication is not open.
Allows you to find a synonym for selected words.
Allows you to check spelling in one story, a range of text, or all stories.
Unavailable because you must have the Text tool selected and placed in the story you want checked or have a range of text highlighted or a publication is not open.
Allows you to check spelling in one story, a range of text, or all stories.
Brings up dialog box that allows you to name or change the name of your selected story.
Unavailable because you need to select the Text tool and click in or create a text object or because a publication is not open.
Brings up dialog box that allows you to name or change the name of your selected story.
Will produce a dialog box where you can set page start number, numbering style and text for page number.
Unavailable because a publication is not open.
Will produce a dialog box where you can set page start number, numbering style and text for page number.
Will produce a dialog box where you can change the date options and time options.
Unavailable because a publication is not open.
Will produce a dialog box where you can change the date options and time options.
Will produce a dialog box where you can select header options and alter header text settings for Posted Notes.
Unavailable because a publication is not open.
Will produce a dialog box where you can select header options and alter header text settings for Posted Notes.
Will display Posted Notes in the document if any exist.
Posted Notes will be displayed because this is checked.
When checked, this will display any Posted Notes in the document.
Unavailable because the Text tool is selected or a publication is not open.
When checked, this will display any Posted Notes in the document.
Shows a dialog that lets you choose and preview the offset and pattern of an object's shadow (except for a line or a Posted Note).
Unavailable because no object is selected or a publication is not open.
Shows a dialog that lets you choose and preview the offset and pattern of an object's shadow (except for a line or a Posted Note).
Presents a dialog that allows you to change and preview various orientation options, such as rotate left or upside down, of a selected object (except for a line or a Posted Note).
Unavailable because no objects are selected or a publication is not open.
Presents a dialog that allows you to change and preview various orientation options, such as rotate left or upside down, of a selected object (except for a line or a Posted Note).
Lets you rotate almost any object (except a line or a Posted Note) to any angle you desire by grabbing a corner of the selected object with cursor and rotating it.
You are in free rotation mode now.
Lets you rotate almost any object (except a line or a Posted Note) to any angle you desire by grabbing a corner of the selected object with cursor and rotating it.
Unavailable because no rotatable objects are selected or a publication is not open.
Lets you rotate almost any object (except a line or a Posted Note) to any angle you desire by grabbing a corner of the selected object with cursor and rotating it.
Brings up a dialog that allows you to scale previously placed graphics.
Unavailable because a graphic object is not selected or a publication is not open.
Brings up a dialog that allows you to scale previously placed graphics.
Aligns a selected object or objects to the previously specified grid.
Unavailable because no objects are selected and "Grid Snap On" is not selected or a publication is not open.